Frequently Asked Questions
1Does PORT integrate with accounting platforms?
Yes, we integrate with variety of accounting platform with API and file exchange capabilities.
2Does PORT support EDI and API Transactions?
Yes, we do all our API and Edi work in-house, this eliminates waste and re-work in development.
3Do you need to install Port on to your local private server?
No. Port TMS is a cloud-based system that you can access from anywhere.
4Can your KPI reports be automated and customized?
Yes, the reporting module allows for each user to create custom reports and set the schedule the frequency they are sent at.
5Which mileage calculators do you support?
Google Miles, PC Miler, Rand McNally, and any mileage routing system can be easily integrated!
6What are PORT's storage and security protocols?
Port's infrastructure is hosted by industry leading service provider with state-of-the-art scalable technology, 24-7 monitoring, security, and backup. Additional compliance and certifications provided upon request.
7What kinds of tracking does Port TMS have?
Port supports multiple tracking solutions from carrier API status updates, to ELD and phone tracking apps.
8Can my customer access their shipments information in Port?
Port creates a unique customer portal for each customer that is on boarded by the user. Rating, status updates and reporting are just a few of the functions the customer can experience.